The current delivery process is too slow, characterized by a lot of manual work and huge paper consumption. The goal of our project was to automate as many processes as possible and to reduce paper printings by 80%.
Firstly I monitored current processes and talked to delivery manager.

Current Login Process detail
For better problem understanding I made a user research. I was declined to speak to the drivers, but Autocont had a division focused on IT delivery so I asked these colleagues to help me. So I was observing their routine and it was a valuable eye opener.
I visualised the processes, and together with the customer we found several points which might be optimised.
Login Process proposal
Based on process models I created prototypes. Firstly I started with pencil paper low fidelity sketches followed by a clickable black and white prototype.
Prototypes and Tests
Based on updated processes and sketches I user tested prototypes. I had no chance to met real drivers but the manager had one day in week shift as a driver so his feedback was incredibly valuable.
Visual Design
Once the prototypes were ready, I created visuals. I was focused mostly on readability, ease in catching the correct buttons and support to the delivery and disclaimer processes.